To Mum

By Joe Duvernay

21st Century

"Father, Mother has gone below!
She'll birth the Captain soon!"
On uttering those sounds I became
Accessory. And so, this small
Antique story can be told.

Father was of the race of Giants,
(This is old!)
Mother? Mother belonged to no
Known people or cure.

There then wanderer you come to matters
Crux and closed on off-days,
That I tell - We were without ship
For two days.
That is longer than any my race has
Yet we three were left of seven on one
with seven, and could see no way toward
Than to shock the cord and
String some elevate to a new ship
In which
Captains, Commanders, Teammates
And Scholars as Poets are born
To Mum.

This was accomplished as All that Know
and Accept
Are given means and ends by the wayward
move, the ether room that is
the environment!

Sing then we three and any listening
for they and it.

Copyright 2003 Joe Duvernay. All rights reserved.

DayPoems Poem No. 2410
<a href="">To Mum by Joe Duvernay</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

Poets  Poems