Your Blues Ain't Mine

By Sandra E. Morris

21st Century

Your murky blues ain't mine to bear.

You droop proudly,
bearing your invisible cross and crown of spines,
thinking you've cornered the market on misery.

Your blues ain't mine to fear.

You refuse to believe
that anyone else on this entire terrestrial canvas of our Creator could:
gasp at the sudden sharpness of hurt,
endure the dull ache of disappointment,
ignore the gritty discomfort of regret,
wince at the stinging burn of stigma,
feel the severed member of love lost.

Your blues ain't mine to share.

But can't you see how those encircling you recycle:
Hurt, into experience,
disappointment, into a friend's life lesson,
regret, into a memory,
stigma, into a badge of courage
loss, into a silver lining?

Chile, your blues ain't so rare.

Copyright 2001 by Sandra E. Morris. All rights reserved.

DayPoems Poem No. 1690
<a href="">Your Blues Ain't Mine by Sandra E. Morris</a>

The DayPoems Poetry Collection,
Timothy Bovee, editor

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