The Cosmo Natal Report for

Timothy Bovee
January 6, 1946
2:40 AM
Shawnee, Oklahoma

       Calculated for:
       Time Zone 6 hours West
       Latitude: 35 N 19 38
       Longitude: 96 W 55 30

DayPoems Astrology

Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

Scorpio Rising:

    You are very strong-willed and proud, but intensely private and not easy to know well. Behind your quiet exterior lies a great deal of emotional depth, sensitivity, complexity, and also fierce determination. When you want something you go after it rather quietly but insistently and wholeheartedly - and you usually get it.

    You are not a person who lives lightly or superficially.  You want to live passionately and intensely and are not averse to challenge, danger, or to facing the darker side of life - human pain and struggle. You function well in crisis situations and often seek them out, for you enjoy the feeling of living at full capacity.

    You are very intuitive about other people and especially about their unspoken feelings and hidden motives. You usually have strong, immediate gut reactions, either positive or negative, which prove to be correct. You approach life very instinctively and are not always fully conscious of why you feel or act as you do. You also have a very strong affinity with animals - an acute sensitivity and a nonverbal kind of rapport with them.

    In relation to others, you are rather cautious, sometimes even suspicious, until you get to know and trust them - and trust doesn't come easily to you. When you commit yourself emotionally to someone, be it friend or lover, you are intensely loyal and devoted to them and you also expect the same kind of unwavering, undying loyalty in return. If you are ever betrayed by someone you care deeply for, you are capable of hating and retaliating with as much fervor as you once loved. Nothing is done halfway. In fact, you are intensely involved and often jealously attached to whatever you care about, be it person, idea, or cause. There is definitely a streak of emotional fanaticism in you.

    Because of your natural reserve, others may see you as something of an enigma. You are quite self-protective and often defensive. You are also very magnetic, especially to members of the opposite sex.

Chapter 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

Sun in Capricorn:

    Serious, disciplined, and quietly ambitious, you are driven to prove yourself and to achieve material accomplishments and success. Your work, your position in the world, and your contributions to society are very important to you. You will persevere through enormous hardship and frustration in order to reach a goal you have set for yourself, and you often sacrifice much in the area of personal relationships and home life in order to do so.

    You have a thoughtful, quiet, and self-contained disposition and do not readily show your inner feelings and needs. You seem to be always in control, capable, efficient, and strong. You are often the person in the family or group who is given more responsibility (and more work) than the others. You are highly conscientious and even as a child you possessed a maturity, soberness, and worldly wisdom that was most unchildlike.

    You are basically a pragmatic realist, and though you may have all sorts of dreams, ideals and colorful theories, you feel that the ultimate test of a concept is its practical usefulness. You have an innate shrewdness and business sense, and there is a bit of the cynic in you as well.

    You are clear-headed, detached and objective, and are not swayed by emotional dramatics. Often you are authoritarian - strictly fair, but without mercy. You have a great respect for tradition and even if you do not agree with certain laws, you will abide by them or work to change them, but never flagrantly disregard them. Careful and conservative, you play by the rules.

    You are subtle, understated, quiet, deep, not easy to know intimately, and never superficial. You are a modest person and sometimes overly self-critical. Giving yourself (and others) permission to feel, to play, to be spontaneous and silly, and to be weak and vulnerable sometimes, isn't easy for you.

    Your strong points are your depth and thoroughness, patience, tenacity, and faithfulness. Your faults are a tendency to be rigid and inflexible, and too serious.

Sun in 3rd house:

     The urge to learn and to communicate is essential to you, and you express yourself very well through writing, teaching or sharing ideas and information. You are persuasive and fluent with language.

     Restless and inquisitive, you enjoy being mobile and taking short trips and excursions in order to see for yourself what is going on in the world around you.

Sun Conjunct Venus:

    You are loving and well-loved by others, and have a strong need for kindness, friendship, and affection. Your artistic and creative powers are also well developed and you do everything in a harmonious, gracious, pleasing manner. Aesthetics are very important to you. Your personal appearance and attractiveness are also very important to you.

Chapter 3: Mental Interests and Abilities

Mercury in Sagittarius:

    You possess vision and foresight, and your mind is often occupied with big ideas, plans, and goals for the future. You are interested in what is possible and what is on the horizon, rather than what has already been done. The study of philosophy, religion, politics, or education is of interest to you, and you are more concerned with theories and concepts than with specific applications. You are not inclined to focus on any one practical, concrete area; you find it irksome to deal with details and particulars. You have a gambling instinct and enjoy speculative enterprises and new ventures. Business, advertising, and promotion would be good areas for you also.

Mercury in 2nd house:

     Your mental skills and intelligence are directed toward practical matters, and you are interested in the tangible effects of any abstract idea or concept. You are very interested in finance, economics, and moneymaking strategies.

Mercury Sextile Jupiter:

    You have an ongoing interest in learning and expanding your mental horizons. You enjoy traveling, philosophical discussions, and exchanging ideas with those of different experiences and viewpoints. Broad-minded and fair, you are well-suited to law, consulting, diplomatic relations, and also business. You learn quickly, and can pick up on a new idea or concept with relative ease.

Chapter 4: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

Moon in Aquarius:

    You are not easily moved by emotional displays and can be curiously detached from your own and others' emotions. It's almost as if you could turn your feelings on and off at will so you should be careful not to leave the switch "off" too often, for you could easily become too impersonal. Family ties and attachments are not as important to you as they are to most people and you often consider your friends closer to you than your blood relatives. Certainly, your sympathy and concern extends much beyond your immediate family. In your personal relationships, you insist upon a certain amount of independence and the freedom to pursue friendships with as many people, of both sexes, as you choose. You do not appreciate a jealous, possessive partner.

    You feel comfortable in an atmosphere that is open and experimental, and you have little taste for convention and tradition.

Moon in 4th house:

     You have strong attachments to your past, the place where you grew up, your heritage, and family traditions. In fact, you may be unable to step out of the habits and roles you learned as a child. Your tie to your mother is very strong and you also seek mothering and protection from your spouse and other family members as well.

Moon Trine Uranus:

    You are uninhibited and spontaneous and will often do something unexpected or humorous in order to loosen people up and get them out of their ruts. You crave emotional stimulation, excitement, surprises, and anything new. You love to feel free and unfettered.

Venus in Capricorn:

    You are definitely not one to wear your heart on your sleeve. You care very much about others' opinions and crave love and appreciation as much as anyone, but one would never know it from your reserved and seemingly detached appearance. Casual, superficial relationships don't interest you at all. You are cautious and serious about love and really desire a deep, genuine, lasting love. You are old-fashioned about courtship and love, and will remain faithful to your loved one in good times and in bad.

    You may be attracted to persons older than yourself, someone who is emotionally mature and reliable and who can provide the security you desire.

Venus in 3rd house:

     Beautiful, elegant, and harmonious surroundings are very important to you, and you have an innate sense of style, design, and form. Socially, also, good form and politeness are important to you and you instinctively avoid crudeness and dissonance.

     You enjoy talking about love, relationships, art and the beautiful side of life. You appreciate artistic people.

Venus Square Neptune:

    You have a very romantic, idealistic vision of love and may be disillusioned to discover that no real, flesh-and-blood human being ever quite lives up to your dream image of the Perfect Love. Though you frequently fantasize about love and romance, you may avoid becoming intimately involved with anyone or making definite commitments. You can be evasive and dishonest with yourself and others, when it comes to love. Some of your love yearnings may be expressed through art, music, or an involvement with mysticism.

Chapter 5: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals

Mars in Cancer:

    You avoid direct confrontation as much as possible and are uncomfortable with aggressiveness, competition, and personal power. Your ego drive is not very strong and you are not especially ambitious or eager to push your way to the top. You may feel inadequate in situations that call for strong, forceful action. The only instance in which you will really fight is when you feel your loved ones, or something dear to you, is being harmed, for then you are a fierce defender. You have a very strong protective side. You act on impulse and instinct and may lash out at anyone you perceive as threatening to your home or family. However, you will rarely initiate a confrontation. Your goals also tend to be very personal and centered around family closeness and inner satisfaction rather than worldly achievement.

    You are sensitive to stress and do not handle a high-pressured, competitive atmosphere very well. You are very touchy, irritable, and difficult to live with when there are many demands or tensions at work. Your energy level is inconstant and is very much dependent upon the emotional harmony (or lack of it) in your home. A supportive partner is of great benefit to you in helping you achieve your goals and desires.

Mars in 9th house:

     You have passionate convictions and will fight for them when challenged. You are willing to dedicate a great deal of your energy and force to an important cause, and you'll act decisively on your beliefs, rather than simply espousing them.

     Sometimes you get so involved and identified with your ideas that you cannot really be receptive to anyone who opposes you philosophically.

Mars Conjunct Saturn:

    You are very serious about reaching your goals and feel that keeping your nose to the grindstone is the only way to do it. Hard work, persistent effort, and concentration upon a single objective are the ways you achieve your aims in life. You exercise great self-control, even self-denial, in order to accomplish what you desire. You meet obstacles stoically and will struggle patiently through difficult circumstances. You feel that you must rely on yourself alone, that it's all on your shoulders, and you can be a harsh disciplinarian, expecting far too much from yourself and others. Often you hold yourself back, doubting your own power and ability. You may feel that you meet great resistance whenever you try to assert yourself or take initiative, and that is very frustrating to you. However, you have the power of endurance and a dogged determination to overcome all obstacles.

Mars Square Jupiter:

    You are enterprising, ambitious, and have a strong desire to succeed in a big way. Ever on the look out for new opportunities and promising new ventures, you are willing to take risks if you sense that something is going to be a winner. No matter how much you accomplish, you never seem to be completely satisfied. You always feel you can do more, and set your sights on another goal. You feel frustrated in limited circumstances, and you will leave secure and reasonably successful situations if they do not offer challenges and potential for growth and expansion in the future. You like to keep stretching your limits, to see how far you can go. Sometimes you over-extend yourself or promise more than you can actually achieve, due to an overly optimistic or overly confident assessment of your own capacities. You relish healthy competition and feel that it spurs you on to even greater achievements.

Chapter 6: Other Influences

Jupiter in Libra:

     Your strengths lie in your ability to cooperate, to be diplomatic, and to know just what behavior is called for in whatever social situation you find yourself. You also possess a strong sense of fairness, the willingness to listen to opposing viewpoints and opinions, and the ability to be (or at least seem to be) impartial and moderate, rather than extreme and one-sided.

Jupiter in 12th house:

     You are drawn to social work, the ministry, giving your time and energy to charitable organizations, or to serving and helping the disadvantaged in some way. Your generosity and unselfishness will bring you and others much good.

Jupiter Square Saturn:

     You have an inner conflict between idealism, hope, and faith in the future versus doubt and oppression by limitations and practical realities. You need to develop discipline and patience in order to achieve your aspirations. You will grow by learning to accept frustration and to persevere in spite of obstacles.

Saturn in Cancer:

     You fear becoming emotionally dependent upon others, and may distance yourself or deny your needs for closeness and intimacy so that you won't be vulnerable to rejection or abandonment. On the other hand, you may cling excessively or need constant reassurance from loved ones and family. Developing a deep, inner sense of security, as well as the ability to give and receive nurturing are important tasks for you.

Saturn in 9th house:

     Your attitude toward religion, philosophy, and politics is very conservative and possibly narrow or rigid. On the one hand, you may believe in nothing that is speculative or intangible, requiring proof for any idea presented to you. Each idea is thoroughly and systematically examined. On the other hand, you may tenaciously cling to your grand philosophical or metaphysical beliefs and opinions, refusing to modify them or to be open and receptive to others' insights and perspectives.

     Your overall outlook on life is serious, and you may feel that life or God will punish you if you do not watch your step!

Uranus in Gemini:

    You are part of a 7 year group of people who are progressive and creative thinkers. Academic achievement is high and academic standards are higher with your age group than with others. You are a curious and inquisitive bunch, and many discoveries and clever insights are brought forth from your age group. The love of learning never dies with your age group, and your curiosity and inquisitiveness does not wane in later life, as is common with others.

Uranus in 8th house:

     Your life is characterized by sudden disruptions and events which change the direction of your life quite unexpectedly. You may be impatient and reckless at certain times, impulsively acting out your urge for new life and change. You are an emotionally complex person and you are capable of intense, unexpected outbursts of feelings and desires.

     If you share material assets and resources with another person (as in a marriage or business partnership), your fortunes are likely to fluctuate wildly or change quickly for better or worse.

Uranus Sextile Pluto:

     You belong to a group of people who will be the positive reformers and innovators in society. Peaceful methods and new techniques which do not create too much disruption, but which bring about fundamental and profound changes in society, will be your contribution.

Neptune in Libra:

    You are part of a 14 year group of people who have a very idealistic sense of brotherhood and universal cooperation, which, among other things, fostered the peace and freedom movement. Your age group is also interested in the spiritual philosophy and ideals of other cultures, and is not at all dogmatic in its approach to religion. You incorporate the approaches of other religions. Your age group tends to have an eclectic approach to religion, utilizing elements from many religious perspectives (e.g. Eastern and Western), and finds it difficult to follow traditionally defined religious practices.

    A gullibility and an unwillingness to be decisive and judgmental inclines your age group to be easily deceived, and consequently many of the well-intended ideals and goals are frustrated by a lack of clear purpose and direction.

Neptune in 11th house:

     You are idealistic in your social and political outlook, and your ideals may impel you to join clubs, organizations, communities of like-minded people, or groups that share your vision and your concerns.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

     The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths.

Pluto in Leo:

    You are part of a 20 year period that is often referred to as the "ME" generation, a generation that has a very proud and self-reliant attitude. You are a generation that is very concerned with self-development and personal integrity. Women's rights and minority rights are issues that your generation has fostered and they reflect your concern with individual respect, integrity, and honor. Your age group has a deeply felt sense that each person has an equal right and opportunity to fully develop his or her inner potential.

    However, your group also finds it difficult to be part of a team and a strong egotism makes group efforts difficult; you tend to see the individual as more important than the group. You also defy authority and often feel that no one has the right to tell you what to do. The strong movement to refuse drafting into the military is one example of your age group's strong sense of individual rights and freedom.

    Your age group has popularized the idea of self-development, and has contributed a great deal to the development of individual potential as well as human rights. However, there is also a tendency to be rather self-centered; others may wonder how you can spend so much time developing yourselves and have so little time to contribute to your families!

    The interest in personal development also sometimes manifests as a fascination with particular individuals and a great deal of hero worship. Every generation, of course, has lots of idols, but your generation is particularly prone to needing a specific individual to represent and embody an idea or feeling, and to serve as a focal point of interest. Perhaps the most extreme example of this is the concept of the guru that was popularized by your age group.

Pluto in 9th house:

     You have strong philosophical views and there are times in your life when you passionately crusade for a cause that you deem noble and of utmost importance. Although your intentions are good, you are not as objective as you think you are, and your views are more colored by personal experiences and concerns than you realize. Nevertheless, you can also be instrumental in bringing about positive change if you can avoid being dogmatic. Also, you may radically change or revise your own personal beliefs, even your most cherished convictions, many times during your life.